As well as this blog being a record of adventures I get up to, I also want it to be a way of raising awareness of this terrible disease and where I can, to raise funds for the charity Pancreatic Cancer UK, for whom myself and Julia ran the Paris marathon for last year, while raising over £3000. Pancreatic cancer is the 5th most common cause of cancer death in the UK. By raising public awareness we can ensure that more research goes into improving early detection & diagnosis of this often missed cancer.
As many of you will already know, my mum has lived with pancreatic cancer and its effects for several years and has continued to impress doctors with her amazing ability to fight back! She recently described her story for the charity website which I will post up on my site once it goes live! This weekend I will be doing my weekend activities in the charity colours of purple and making my own donation to Pancreatic Cancer UK. I'd like to encourage others to visit the website, read about the disease and its symptoms, aswell as the progress which is being made in its treatment, and the stories of those who have been affected by it. If you'd like to make a donation to the charity during the awareness week, or any other time, you can do by following the link on the website.
I plan to do a few events for PCUK in 2011, and am currently deciding on what these might be. I would like to do a few varied events in my PCUK t-shirt while raising money and awareness.
Current ideas include:
A cycling sportive (long distance cycle event)
The Inn Pinn in the Cuillins (a rock climb to the top of Scotland's most difficult Munro, followed by an abseil over the other side)
Two Out Hebrides half marathons in a week (cycling from one to the other in between)
If you have a chance this week, check out the website, pass it on to your family and friends. Spread the word... Thanks!